docbook: making an entity

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Subject: Re: making an entity
From: "Martin A. Brown" ####@####.####
Date: 16 Jun 2003 21:15:38 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Hi there Emma,

How are you liking DocBook so far?

 : I have a "note" that I'd like to appear in several different
 : places. I know how to refer to the note (&note-name;) but I'm not
 : sure where I "store" the contents of the note.

There are two ways.

Internal Subset:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You can create the entity as part of the internal document subset.
This is pretty easy, and looks like this:

  "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
  "" [

  <!ENTITY text "use this text instead" >


And, of course, now you can use &text; in the content body anywhere.
I recommend using the second method if you intend on adding more
than a few entities, since it allows you to modularize the
documentation and entities into separate files.

External Subset:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
See my document source if you wish to see how I use parameter
entities to manage the content.....I define the parameter entity
%linux-ip-entities; [1], which I then include.  This defines other
parameter entities and includes's a snippet.  This
means that you'd use multiple files--convenient for management and

  "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
  "" [

  <!ENTITY % linux-ip-entities       SYSTEM   "linux-ip.ent" >



 : Also: is it considered good form to store only the text in the
 : SGML entity, or should the entity also contain formatting. My
 : note looks like this (the text itself is incomplete):

I don't think it's necessary to do this.  I believe it is
necessary (although I don't know if XML/SGML parsers check for
this), you should include any ending tags for tags you begin
inside any general entity.

You can nest entities, too, which makes the following quite simple:

<!ENTITY kcompile

 '<title>Additional kernel compiling information</title>
 <para>For non-Debian instructions on how to compile your kernel
 see <ulink url="">*another section</ulink>.
 For more information on how to compile the kernel The Debian
 Way please read <ulink
 custom kernels with Debian&apos;s** kernel-package system</ulink></para>'


*  Some xslt processors (xsltproc, for example) will not see this ulink
   tag as improper markup, although it's missing a required attribute, so
   if you are using xsltproc, be prepared to watch it dump core unless you
   have an URL in the url attribute.
** Note the use of &apos; in the word "Debian's".  This prevents the ' from
   being interpreted as the end of the quoted string.

<!ENTITY note-kcompile '<note>&kcompile;</note>' >

 : So should my text have:
 : 	<note>&note-name;</note>
 : or
 : 	&note-name;

It's entirely up to you to decide which one seems more natural for you.  I
generally try to include markup in the entity itself, especially since I am
essentially using the entities as macros.

I would also recommend the sagehill documentation on DocBook and XSLT [2],
if you haven't already found it.


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Next by date: 16 Jun 2003 21:15:38 -0000 markup for shell input, Emma Jane Hogbin
Previous in thread: 16 Jun 2003 21:15:38 -0000 making an entity, Emma Jane Hogbin
Next in thread: 16 Jun 2003 21:15:38 -0000 Re: making an entity, Emma Jane Hogbin

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