discuss: Updating the IPMASQ howto but having issues with DocBook vs. LinuxDoc

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Subject: Updating the IPMASQ howto but having issues with DocBook vs. LinuxDoc
From: David Ranch ####@####.####
Date: 9 Apr 2001 16:24:36 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Hello LDP Linuxers..

I'm in the process of updating the IP Masquerade HOWTO
to both support the 2.4.x kernels AND also DocBook v1.3.

Fortunately for me, Joshua Drake emailed me a LinuxDoc
to DocBook converted version of my LinuxDOc HOWTO.  After
getting the new publishing system running, I have a few
serious questions here that I hope a few of you could
help me with:

1) I am running on a Mandrake 7.0 with Jade v1.3.1 and the LDP
    DTD.  Though I can cut HTML files w/o any errors from a
    DocBook .sgml file, nsgmls fails out with errors like the

bash# nsgmls -s ipmasq-HOWTO.sgml
nsgmls:ipmasq-HOWTO.sgml:1:54:W: cannot generate system identifier for public
text "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"
nsgmls:ipmasq-HOWTO.sgml:1:54:E: reference to entity "BOOK" for which no system 

identifier could be generated
nsgmls:ipmasq-HOWTO.sgml:1:0: entity was defined here
nsgmls:ipmasq-HOWTO.sgml:1:54:E: DTD did not contain element declaration for
document type name
nsgmls:ipmasq-HOWTO.sgml:3:5:E: element "BOOK" undefined
nsgmls:ipmasq-HOWTO.sgml:5:9:E: element "BOOKINFO" undefined
nsgmls:ipmasq-HOWTO.sgml:7:6:E: element "TITLE" undefined

Because of these above errors, I cannot cut tex files and thus .ps
and .pdf files.  A few people said NOT to use nsgmls and use a
Makefile instead.  Thats fine and all but I -still- get these
same errors with converting to Tex as I do with the nsgmls tool.
Obviously something is wrong and needs to be fixed before I can
publish to all other formats.

2) the files create but I get the following:
    jade:/usr/lib/sgml/CATALOG:44:0:W: DTDDECL catalog entries are not 

    It was mentioned in a few places to either ignore these lines or
    remark out or delete the following line in the
    /usr/lib/sgml/CATALOG file

       DTDDECL "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" "docbook.dcl"

    Is this a wise thing to do?  It seems to be ok without that line..

3) Items I'd like to fix:

   a) At the top of the TOC page, I would like to make the text for
      the "edited by" and the editor's names smaller and possibly
      less bold.  As it stands, this standout just as much as the
      author's name.  Though I appreciate the work by the editors,
      I don't think its quite fair.

   b) On the Index page, I would like a "Next" at towards the top of
      the page (just like the other subsection pages) and not just
      on the bottom of the page.  This would make navigation far
      better and make it similar to the LinuxDoc format.

   c) In the TOC page, I would like each main section to be a larger
      font just like the older Linuxdoc format.  The various
      sub-sections already have a larger font for the section
      name but not the main TOC page.  This format is far easier on
      the eye.

   d) I would like to post the version of the HOWTO at the top of the
      TOC page.  Interestingly enough, there is a:

          <PubDate>v2.00, April 08, 2001</PubDate>

      tag but it doesn't display anything.

   e) When I create a Chapterized version of the HTML, it creates
      over 106 different .html files.  If you look in the FAQ section
      of the existing LinuxDoc version of the IPMASQ HOWTO:


      there are 46 entries in it now.  I LIKE the numbering mechanism
      that Linuxdoc gives me but 46 separate .html files in DocBook
      is crazy!  How can I get Jade to simply output (8) different
      .html files like the Linuxdoc mechanism does?

    f) It seems that I can't use <Book id="ipmasq-index"> but
       nor can I subsitute <article> for <book>.  What do I need
       to change the initial file name from the default
       "index.html" to "ipmasq-index.html"?

       Is changing this to say "<Book id="ipmasq-index">"
       bad form?

       As it stands, I'm forcing the html file naming like:
       <Chapter id="ipmasq-intro1.0">

       <Sect1 id="ipmasq-intro1.1">
       <Title>Introduction to IP Masquerading or IP MASQ</Title>

       I'm doing this since the default naming behavior of
       DocBook is confusing.

Finally, would making any of these above changes violate the
LDP format?


|  David A. Ranch - Linux/Networking/PC hardware         ####@####.####  |
!----                                                                    ----!
`----- For more detailed info, see http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~dranch -----'

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