discuss: who is responsible for the tldp.org domain name

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Subject: Re: [discuss] Re: who is responsible for the tldp.org domain name
From: Rick Moen ####@####.####
Date: 7 Nov 2008 10:44:37 +0000
Message-Id: <20081107104340.GT5561@linuxmafia.com>

Quoting Jean-Daniel Dodin ####@####.####

> I don't "want" anything like, I just want to be able to change the
> target for br.tldp.org (eventually)

I was obliged to speculate, because it was entirely unclear from your
post what exactly you're aiming to accomplish.

Anyway, it appears that you need whoever runs ns.unc.edu to edit the
tldp.org zonefile, to make the desired change.

> for my own domain name, I do this with the Gandi zone service. 

Presumably, your phrase "do this with the Gandi zone service" means you
aren't doing your own DNS[1], but rather are paying Gandi.net to provide
nameservers for your domain, and they provide you some Web-mediated
editing mechanism to remotely edit the domain's zonefile. 

Let's check, under the assumption that you're talking about dodin.org:

:r! dig  -t ns  dodin.org +short

:r! dig  -t soa  dodin.org  +short
a.dns.gandi.net. hostmaster.gandi.net. 1215848044 10800 3600 604800 10800

Yep.  You've outsourced your DNS to three Gandi.net nameservers, of
which a.dns.gandi.net is the master nameserver.

I very much doubt that UNC's NOC staff (or whoever it is who operates
ns.unc.edu) offers the public Web-mediated access to edit zonefiles
located on ns.unc.edu:  More likely, it's done the old-fashioned way, by
some sysadmin absent-mindedly editing the zonefile in vi, saving, doing
"rndc reload" to refresh the zone, cursing fluently about having
forgotten to increment the S/N, re-editing the zonefile in vi, saving,
doing "rndc reload" again, and going off to have a stiff drink.

> who did setup these sub-domain at first? (I mean who decided to do so
> and send demand to the good admin)? probably Guylhem?

Are you asking who put sundry (thus far unspecified in this
conversation) fully-qualified hostnames of the form *.br.tldp.org into
the tldp.org zonefile at ns.unc.edu?  I would have no way of knowing,
but rather suspect it was done by UNC/Metalab NOC staff at the request
of the domain owner (Guylhem).

You still haven't shown that any such subdomain actually exists in any
meaningful way, by the way.  All you've done is talk about some claim on
a Web page.  So, you might be talking about DNS records that don't
actually exist.

If you want to be clearer on what your'e talking about, you might want
to e-mail the UNC NOC (network operations centre) staff and ask them to
e-mail you a copy of the zonefile.

I suggested what appeared to be the correct e-mail address for this
purpose in one of my recent, prior e-mails.  Which please see.

[1] I always find it very strange to find competent Linux users who own
domains but aren't doing their own DNS.  All it takes is one static IP 
address (which of course I'm aware that not everyone has, but many do). 
Once you setup your own nameserver on such an IP, and it's not
difficult, you quickly find that there are many people who are glad to
do your secondary DNS if you'll do theirs.  So, you aren't obliged to
outsource to ISP nameservers, which inevitably suck in a variety of ways
including security.

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Next by date: 7 Nov 2008 10:44:37 +0000 Re: who is responsible for the tldp.org domain name, jdd for http://tldp.org
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