editors: Thread: Delay in review

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Subject: Delay in review
From: "Bas v.d. Wiel" ####@####.####
Date: 10 Mar 2005 16:56:19 -0000
Message-Id: <42307C17.6060403@extranet.kompas-media.nl>

Hash: SHA1

Hello list,
Sadly I have to inform you that there will be a delay in my reviewing
of the Linux Mobile Guide by Werner Heuser. I'm almost halfway through
the language review now but my day job will be getting in the way for
the next days. I will resume the review somewhere halfway through next
week and hope to have it finished in about two weeks. It's my first
review for TLDP so I'm also still getting to grips with the markup.
I've never worked in DocBook before so I'm a little slow to start.

Kind regards,


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Subject: Re: Delay in review
From: Emma Jane Hogbin ####@####.####
Date: 10 Mar 2005 22:56:05 -0000
Message-Id: <20050310225632.GA6990@smeagol>


On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 05:55:51PM +0100, Bas v.d. Wiel wrote:
> Sadly I have to inform you that there will be a delay in my reviewing
> of the Linux Mobile Guide by Werner Heuser. I'm almost halfway through
> the language review now but my day job will be getting in the way for
> the next days. 

Thank you for the update. Would you be able to submit the review to-date
to Werner? It sounds like you already have a big chunk done and it may
take him some time to implement the changes. I know that when Tabatha
reviewed Tille's book she submitted the review back to Tille on a
per-chapter basis.


Emma Jane Hogbin

--> -->
<type 'exceptions.IOError'>
Python 2.5.2: /usr/bin/python
Mon May 13 23:03:53 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/<string> in ()
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/main.py in main()
  425         if path is not None:
  426                 main_path(path)
  427         else:
  428                 main_form()
global main_form = <function main_form at 0x96c4c6c>
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/main.py in main_form()
  378         except ImportError:
  379                 die(ctxt, "Invalid command")
  380         module.do(ctxt)
  382 def main():
module = <module 'commands.showthread' from '/opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/commands/showthread.pyc'>, module.do = <function do at 0x96cca74>, global ctxt = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/commands/showthread.py in do(ctxt={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'})
    9         ctxt.update(ezmlm.thread(ctxt[THREADID]))
   10         header(ctxt, 'Thread: ' + ctxt[SUBJECT], 'showthread')
   11         do_list(ctxt, 'msgs', ctxt[MSGSPERPAGE], ctxt[MESSAGES],
   12                         lambda:sub_showmsg(ctxt, ctxt[MSGNUM]))
   13         footer(ctxt)
global sub_showmsg = <function sub_showmsg at 0x96c41ec>, ctxt = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, global MSGNUM = 'msgnum'
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/globalfns.py in do_list(ctxt={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, name='msgs', perpage=10, values=[{'author': u'Bas v.d. Wiel', 'authorid': 'edcmlefmejmicahbgjce', 'date': '10 Mar 2005 16:56:19 -0000', 'month': 200503, 'msgnum': 221, 'subject': u'Delay in review', 'threadid': 'moilhghlmpmmfabancod', 'timestamp': 1110473779.0}, {'author': u'Emma Jane Hogbin', 'authorid': 'ikndjmbepldekebhjjej', 'date': '10 Mar 2005 22:56:05 -0000', 'month': 200503, 'msgnum': 222, 'subject': u'Re: Delay in review', 'threadid': 'moilhghlmpmmfabancod', 'timestamp': 1110495365.0}], peritem=<function <lambda> at 0x96ccbfc>)
  128                 write(template % ctxt)
  129                 if peritem:
  130                         peritem()
  131                 ctxt[ROW] += 1
peritem = <function <lambda> at 0x96ccbfc>
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/commands/showthread.py in ()
    9         ctxt.update(ezmlm.thread(ctxt[THREADID]))
   10         header(ctxt, 'Thread: ' + ctxt[SUBJECT], 'showthread')
   11         do_list(ctxt, 'msgs', ctxt[MSGSPERPAGE], ctxt[MESSAGES],
   12                         lambda:sub_showmsg(ctxt, ctxt[MSGNUM]))
   13         footer(ctxt)
global sub_showmsg = <function sub_showmsg at 0x96c41ec>, ctxt = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, global MSGNUM = 'msgnum'
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/globalfns.py in sub_showmsg(ctxt={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, msgnum=222)
  229         format_timestamp(ctxt, ctxt)
  230         write(html('msg-header') % ctxt)
  231         rec_showpart(ctxt, msg, 0)
  232         write(html('msg-footer') % ctxt)
  233         ctxt.pop()
global rec_showpart = <function rec_showpart at 0x96c41b4>, ctxt = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, msg = <email.message.Message instance at 0x9721ecc>
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/globalfns.py in rec_showpart(ctxt={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, part=<email.message.Message instance at 0x9721ecc>, partnum=1)
  205                 else:
  206                         for p in part.get_payload():
  207                                 partnum = rec_showpart(ctxt, p, partnum+1)
  208         else:
  209                 write(html('msg-sep') % ctxt)
partnum = 1, global rec_showpart = <function rec_showpart at 0x96c41b4>, ctxt = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, p = <email.message.Message instance at 0x972702c>
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/globalfns.py in rec_showpart(ctxt={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, part=<email.message.Message instance at 0x972702c>, partnum=2)
  208         else:
  209                 write(html('msg-sep') % ctxt)
  210                 sub_showpart(ctxt, part)
  211         return partnum
global sub_showpart = <function sub_showpart at 0x96c4144>, ctxt = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, part = <email.message.Message instance at 0x972702c>
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/globalfns.py in sub_showpart(ctxt={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, part=<email.message.Message instance at 0x972702c>)
  164         type = ctxt[TYPE] = part.get_content_type()
  165         ctxt[FILENAME] = part.get_filename()
  166         template = html('msg-' + type.replace('/', '-'))
  167         if not template:
  168                 template = html('msg-' + type[:type.find('/')])
global template = <function template at 0x96bce9c>, global html = <function html at 0x96bced4>, type = 'application/pgp-signature', type.replace = <built-in method replace of str object at 0x9728288>
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/globalfns.py in html(name='msg-application-pgp-signature')
   41 def html(name):
   42         return template(name + '.html')
   44 def xml(name):
global template = <function template at 0x96bce9c>, name = 'msg-application-pgp-signature'
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/globalfns.py in template(filename='msg-application-pgp-signature.html')
   31         except IOError:
   32                 if not _template_zipfile:
   33                         _template_zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(sys.argv[0])
   34                 try:
   35                         f = _template_zipfile.open(n).read()
global _template_zipfile = None, global zipfile = <module 'zipfile' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/zipfile.pyc'>, zipfile.ZipFile = <class zipfile.ZipFile at 0x9655a7c>, global sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>, sys.argv = ['-c', '/opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20']
 /usr/lib/python2.5/zipfile.py in __init__(self=<zipfile.ZipFile instance at 0x9721c6c>, file='-c', mode='r', compression=0, allowZip64=False)
  337             self.filename = file
  338             modeDict = {'r' : 'rb', 'w': 'wb', 'a' : 'r+b'}
  339             self.fp = open(file, modeDict[mode])
  340         else:
  341             self._filePassed = 1
self = <zipfile.ZipFile instance at 0x9721c6c>, self.fp = None, builtin open = <built-in function open>, file = '-c', modeDict = {'a': 'r+b', 'r': 'rb', 'w': 'wb'}, mode = 'r'

<type 'exceptions.IOError'>: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '-c'
      args = (2, 'No such file or directory')
      errno = 2
      filename = '-c'
      message = ''
      strerror = 'No such file or directory'