docbook: Thread: HTML -> DocBook equivalents

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Subject: HTML -> DocBook equivalents
From: Emma Jane Hogbin ####@####.####
Date: 13 Jun 2003 04:30:24 -0000
Message-Id: <>


I'm working on my first HTML->DocBook conversion. I've written the HTML
using the following:
	var -- program names, file names, etc
	code -- snippets of code (none in this article)
	kbd -- things that you type at a prompt

How do I figure out the DocBook equivalent for these? I've noticed a
<filename class='directory'>directory</filename>. If I have a full URL
including file name I simply omit the class attribute?

For those who are interested, my file is here:



Emma Jane Hogbin
[[ 416 417 2868 ][ ]]
Subject: Re: HTML -> DocBook equivalents
From: "Martin A. Brown" ####@####.####
Date: 13 Jun 2003 04:56:33 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Hi there Emma,

I'm quite interested in how you find and like DocBook (as perhaps
several others on this list may be).  I am a convert.  I had been
using LaTeX until about a year ago, when I started writing my
linux-ip document.  I find DocBook much easier to create and much
easier to read after I have written it.

 : I'm working on my first HTML->DocBook conversion. I've written the HTML
 : using the following:

I'll give you some examples for the tags I use.  I am not a
"knowledgeable authority", just "some guy who uses DocBook", so take
my comments with a grain of salt, and compare with a reference work
(like the book I refer to below).

 : 	var -- program names, file names, etc

program names:


program name with with link to URL:

  <ulink url="">



To represent a command shell:

<prompt>[user@box user]$ </prompt><userinput>host</userinput>
<computeroutput> has address</computeroutput>

 : 	code -- snippets of code (none in this article)

Depends on what you want to do with it.  If I don't wish to comment
on the script, I like to incorporate it wholesale.

<![CDATA[#! /bin/bash
# -- I do this often enough to have a script to do it for me

trap 'echo Try CTRL-D next time, bozo....' 1 2 3 15

/bin/cat - >/dev/null 2>&1

If you need to use callouts or some other type of annotation, you'll
want to consult the sagehill documentation:

 : 	kbd -- things that you type at a prompt

A keypress more familiar to Windows users:

  <keycombo action='simul'>

 : How do I figure out the DocBook equivalent for these? I've noticed a
 : <filename class='directory'>directory</filename>. If I have a full URL
 : including file name I simply omit the class attribute?

No, there are a larger number of tags for DocBook.  I'd recommend
browsing to find the tag you are interested in.  And also, I have
found reading other documentation quite helpful.  Read what somebody
else has written, and use CVS....

DocBook tags (this book is also available in a print format):


 : For those who are interested, my file is here:

Good luck!  Let us know if you have any tag woes.

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