docbook: Thread: re:index generation

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Subject: re:index generation
From: Greg Ferguson ####@####.####
Date: 2 Apr 2003 15:02:08 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 16:29:37 -0800 Peter Jay Salzman ####@####.#### wrote:

> hello,
> i'm the maintainer of the linux kernel module programming guide (lkmpg),
> and noticed awhile back that no index is being generous, despite the
> fact that the lkmpg is sprinkled liberally with <indexterm> tags.
> can someone tell me what i need to do to generate an index of terms?
> thanks!
> pete

(from earlier ####@####.#### post...)

To create indexes:

1. Add <indexterm> references into your SGML file (I'm not going
   into detail, that's covered in the LDP Author Guide)

2. Add an entity reference in your main SGML file:

     <!DOCTYPE Article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
       <!ENTITY myindex SYSTEM "index.sgml">

3. Include/reference the entity at the end of the file/document (or
   wherever you wish to have the index occur):



3. Now run the the tools to generate the index: -N -o index.sgml
      jade -t sgml -V html-index -d <style> My-HOWTO.sgml -g -t Index -i doc-index -o index.sgml HTML.index

You will now have a index.sgml file which can be used in conjunction
with the "normal" run of the tools (which you use to produce your
HTML files, etc). This should work ok with XML files as well (adjust
your file extensions in the examples shown above!).

For an example, see IBM7248-HOWTO -
You can also get the source to examine from our CVS (web) tree.

Greg Ferguson    * SGI principal engr / LDP contributor
SGI Tech Pubs    * | gferg(at)
Linux Doc Project*         | gferg(at)

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