docbook: Thread: ldp_print question

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Subject: ldp_print question
From: Peter Jay Salzman ####@####.####
Date: 10 Jul 2002 07:37:37 -0000
Message-Id: <>

hope this is the right forum...

i'm trying to release an updated copy of the linux kernel module
programming guide.  it's giving the error:

p@satan% make
jade -t sgml -i html -V nochunks -d ldp.dsl#html mpg.sgml > mpg.html
ldp_print mpg.html
htmldoc --size universal -t ps -f --firstpage p1 --titlefile title.html
ERR005: Unable to open image file "../images/warning.gif"
   (../images/warning.gif) for reading!
BYTES: 240457

ldp_print: could not create mpg.pdf ()
make: *** [new] Error 1

now, i use the exact same set of commands for the linux gamers' howto,
which i also maintain.

question: why does the lkmpg seem to want gif files (i didn't tell it to
include any!) and why is it doing a "different thing" than what the lgh
does?   both documents use the same makefile except for the TARGET line:

JADEOPTIONS=-t sgml -i html -V nochunks -d ldp.dsl\#html

   jade ${JADEOPTIONS} ${TARGET}.sgml > ${TARGET}.html
   ldp_print ${TARGET}.html

how do i surpress the gif thing?

sorry for sounding so newbie-ish, but i never really did get comfortable
with anything but latex...



GPG Fingerprint: B9F1 6CF3 47C4 7CD8 D33E  70A9 A3B9 1945 67EA 951D
Subject: Re: ldp_print question
From: Charles Curley ####@####.####
Date: 10 Jul 2002 18:57:17 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 12:37:36AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> hope this is the right forum...
> i'm trying to release an updated copy of the linux kernel module
> programming guide.  it's giving the error:
> ===================================================================
> p@satan% make
> jade -t sgml -i html -V nochunks -d ldp.dsl#html mpg.sgml > mpg.html
> ldp_print mpg.html
> htmldoc --size universal -t ps -f --firstpage p1 --titlefile title.html
>    body.html
> ERR005: Unable to open image file "../images/warning.gif"
>    (../images/warning.gif) for reading!
> PAGES: 72
> BYTES: 240457
> ldp_print: could not create mpg.pdf ()
> make: *** [new] Error 1
> ===================================================================

> how do i surpress the gif thing?

You don't. The warning element calls out a GIF to include a little
finger pointing at the warning, to emphasise it. Unfortunately, it's
part of the DTD, and unless the maintainers of the LDP's dsl want to
over-ride it, we're stuck with it.

Instead, you copy it into ../images. It's probably on your computer
somewhere; I'd run "locate warning.gif" to find it. You'll hit that
for some other elements as well.


Charles Curley                  /"\    ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Looking for fine software       \ /    Respect for open standards
and/or writing?                  X     No HTML/RTF in email     / \    No M$ Word docs in email

--> -->
<type 'exceptions.IOError'>
Python 2.5.2: /usr/bin/python
Sat May 18 20:13:04 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/<string> in ()
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/ in main()
  425         if path is not None:
  426                 main_path(path)
  427         else:
  428                 main_form()
global main_form = <function main_form at 0x9786c6c>
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/ in main_form()
  378         except ImportError:
  379                 die(ctxt, "Invalid command")
  382 def main():
module = <module 'commands.showthread' from '/opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/commands/showthread.pyc'>, = <function do at 0x979164c>, global ctxt = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/commands/ in do(ctxt={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'})
    9         ctxt.update(ezmlm.thread(ctxt[THREADID]))
   10         header(ctxt, 'Thread: ' + ctxt[SUBJECT], 'showthread')
   11         do_list(ctxt, 'msgs', ctxt[MSGSPERPAGE], ctxt[MESSAGES],
   12                         lambda:sub_showmsg(ctxt, ctxt[MSGNUM]))
   13         footer(ctxt)
global sub_showmsg = <function sub_showmsg at 0x97861ec>, ctxt = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, global MSGNUM = 'msgnum'
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/ in do_list(ctxt={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, name='msgs', perpage=10, values=[{'author': u'Peter Jay Salzman', 'authorid': 'mpkojnjfcobfneplphgf', 'date': '10 Jul 2002 07:37:37 -0000', 'month': 200207, 'msgnum': 216, 'subject': u'ldp_print question', 'threadid': 'djjpgkdbjiagfohhagof', 'timestamp': 1026286657.0}, {'author': u'Charles Curley', 'authorid': 'blnflnoieggjgfeejfli', 'date': '10 Jul 2002 18:57:17 -0000', 'month': 200207, 'msgnum': 217, 'subject': u'Re: ldp_print question', 'threadid': 'djjpgkdbjiagfohhagof', 'timestamp': 1026327437.0}, {'author': u'Peter Jay Salzman', 'authorid': 'mpkojnjfcobfneplphgf', 'date': '10 Jul 2002 19:06:12 -0000', 'month': 200207, 'msgnum': 218, 'subject': u'Re: ldp_print question', 'threadid': 'djjpgkdbjiagfohhagof', 'timestamp': 1026327972.0}, {'author': u'Greg Ferguson', 'authorid': 'jkmfaaghnlhdjhhbndhb', 'date': '10 Jul 2002 19:50:06 -0000', 'month': 200207, 'msgnum': 219, 'subject': u'Re: ldp_print question', 'threadid': 'djjpgkdbjiagfohhagof', 'timestamp': 1026330606.0}, {'author': u'Peter Jay Salzman', 'authorid': 'mpkojnjfcobfneplphgf', 'date': '10 Jul 2002 20:16:49 -0000', 'month': 200207, 'msgnum': 220, 'subject': u'Re: ldp_print question', 'threadid': 'djjpgkdbjiagfohhagof', 'timestamp': 1026332209.0}, {'author': u'Greg Ferguson', 'authorid': 'jkmfaaghnlhdjhhbndhb', 'date': '10 Jul 2002 20:42:20 -0000', 'month': 200207, 'msgnum': 221, 'subject': u'Re: ldp_print question', 'threadid': 'djjpgkdbjiagfohhagof', 'timestamp': 1026333740.0}, {'author': u'Jim Weller', 'authorid': 'jhecnnhegalciepchlin', 'date': '10 Jul 2002 21:44:52 -0000', 'month': 200207, 'msgnum': 222, 'subject': u'Re: ldp_print question', 'threadid': 'djjpgkdbjiagfohhagof', 'timestamp': 1026337492.0}], peritem=<function <lambda> at 0x97917d4>)
  128                 write(template % ctxt)
  129                 if peritem:
  130                         peritem()
  131                 ctxt[ROW] += 1
peritem = <function <lambda> at 0x97917d4>
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/commands/ in ()
    9         ctxt.update(ezmlm.thread(ctxt[THREADID]))
   10         header(ctxt, 'Thread: ' + ctxt[SUBJECT], 'showthread')
   11         do_list(ctxt, 'msgs', ctxt[MSGSPERPAGE], ctxt[MESSAGES],
   12                         lambda:sub_showmsg(ctxt, ctxt[MSGNUM]))
   13         footer(ctxt)
global sub_showmsg = <function sub_showmsg at 0x97861ec>, ctxt = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, global MSGNUM = 'msgnum'
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/ in sub_showmsg(ctxt={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, msgnum=217)
  229         format_timestamp(ctxt, ctxt)
  230         write(html('msg-header') % ctxt)
  231         rec_showpart(ctxt, msg, 0)
  232         write(html('msg-footer') % ctxt)
  233         ctxt.pop()
global rec_showpart = <function rec_showpart at 0x97861b4>, ctxt = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, msg = <email.message.Message instance at 0x97e4eec>
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/ in rec_showpart(ctxt={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, part=<email.message.Message instance at 0x97e4eec>, partnum=1)
  205                 else:
  206                         for p in part.get_payload():
  207                                 partnum = rec_showpart(ctxt, p, partnum+1)
  208         else:
  209                 write(html('msg-sep') % ctxt)
partnum = 1, global rec_showpart = <function rec_showpart at 0x97861b4>, ctxt = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, p = <email.message.Message instance at 0x97e91ac>
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/ in rec_showpart(ctxt={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, part=<email.message.Message instance at 0x97e91ac>, partnum=2)
  208         else:
  209                 write(html('msg-sep') % ctxt)
  210                 sub_showpart(ctxt, part)
  211         return partnum
global sub_showpart = <function sub_showpart at 0x9786144>, ctxt = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, part = <email.message.Message instance at 0x97e91ac>
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/ in sub_showpart(ctxt={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER': 'glitch', 'HTTP_REFE...HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip, br, zstd, deflate'}, part=<email.message.Message instance at 0x97e91ac>)
  164         type = ctxt[TYPE] = part.get_content_type()
  165         ctxt[FILENAME] = part.get_filename()
  166         template = html('msg-' + type.replace('/', '-'))
  167         if not template:
  168                 template = html('msg-' + type[:type.find('/')])
global template = <function template at 0x977ee9c>, global html = <function html at 0x977eed4>, type = 'application/pgp-signature', type.replace = <built-in method replace of str object at 0x97e7e20>
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/ in html(name='msg-application-pgp-signature')
   41 def html(name):
   42         return template(name + '.html')
   44 def xml(name):
global template = <function template at 0x977ee9c>, name = 'msg-application-pgp-signature'
 /opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20/ in template(filename='msg-application-pgp-signature.html')
   31         except IOError:
   32                 if not _template_zipfile:
   33                         _template_zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(sys.argv[0])
   34                 try:
   35                         f =
global _template_zipfile = None, global zipfile = <module 'zipfile' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/zipfile.pyc'>, zipfile.ZipFile = <class zipfile.ZipFile at 0x9717a7c>, global sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>, sys.argv = ['-c', '/opt/ezmlm-browse-0.20']
 /usr/lib/python2.5/ in __init__(self=<zipfile.ZipFile instance at 0x97e4fcc>, file='-c', mode='r', compression=0, allowZip64=False)
  337             self.filename = file
  338             modeDict = {'r' : 'rb', 'w': 'wb', 'a' : 'r+b'}
  339             self.fp = open(file, modeDict[mode])
  340         else:
  341             self._filePassed = 1
self = <zipfile.ZipFile instance at 0x97e4fcc>, self.fp = None, builtin open = <built-in function open>, file = '-c', modeDict = {'a': 'r+b', 'r': 'rb', 'w': 'wb'}, mode = 'r'

<type 'exceptions.IOError'>: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '-c'
      args = (2, 'No such file or directory')
      errno = 2
      filename = '-c'
      message = ''
      strerror = 'No such file or directory'