discuss: Thread: Wiki and HOWTOs

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Subject: Wiki and HOWTOs
From: "jdd for http://tldp.org" ####@####.####
Date: 12 Nov 2008 15:44:26 +0000
Message-Id: <491AF952.5000108@dodin.org>

I'm glad to say that we can use the standard HOWTO toolchain from the
wiki. I summarised this here:


In fact the "render to docbook" Moin command is good. I could patch it
(very small patch) to make it usable right now (version number 4.4->4.2).

So the proceeding is to write the HOWTO in the wiki, render to docbook
and submit the resulting file to the submitt list where Greg is able
to process it.

May be we have to be cautious in the beginning, because we don't
exactly know what wiki markup is accepted. On the above page there is
a link to the source py script, so any python aware people could
extract the info.

I'm not that good with python :-( so I appreciate any help in the matter.

right now, we have few HOWTO to manage, this toolchain seems good.

We have two problems:

the jade processor keep saying
"Exporting_to_docbook.xml:1:1208:E: element "code" undefined", but the
test document seems well rendered (at least in html and pdf) and don't
have any "code" word in it.

and the render to docbook command add *all* the revision history on
top of the document. It can be very long. should we keep it?

jdd for the Linux Documentation Project

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