discuss: Thread: traditional chain processing

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Subject: traditional chain processing
From: "jdd for http://tldp.org" ####@####.####
Date: 24 Oct 2008 20:26:08 +0100
Message-Id: <490220E3.5080903@dodin.org>

mail exchange between Greg Fergusson and me gave most infos (below).
Svetoslav, what are the problems with xml? can you from these infos
make clear the scripts for wiki<->oolchain?


traditional data flow:

1. Data copied up to the ibiblio server

2. Data published using my ldp_mk script. Entire toolchain is present
   on the ibiblio server. Script creates all variants: HTML,
   HTML single file, PDF, Postscript, text, pluckerDB).

3. Data copied into proper locations (and packaged if need
   be) using script ldp_cp

data content

On Fri, 2008-10-24 at 20:57 +0200
> > Greg Ferguson a écrit :
For docbook - The docbook parser - jade w/DSSSL-stylesheets - is used.
It works great. I realize the toolchain is a bit outdated (e.g. not
using xslt/xsltproc), but trust me...it works wonderfully. If the
parser fails badly, the doc goes back to the author. I rarely have
that happen.

For linuxdoc - The sgmltools toolchain is used. Again, works just fine.
And the same construct goes:  if the parser fails badly, the doc goes
right back to the author. I rarely have that happen.

text - no way -- ignored and author informed they need to submit in
a given markup. I tell them to subscribe to the discussion list to
ask for help, if needed.  I have not had that occur in years.

> > I was said few time ago than many xml LDP files are faulty (I'm not
> > competent enough myself to know why nor how).

No way. Most everything that is submitted is solid, or it's returned.
There might be minor tag violations, but it's not enough to worry
about, and it's certainly not something that would halt the process.

> > So? was this hand made?

The scripts and putting the tools together? Yes, I did that.
Oh, also, part of my steps are to check the file(s) into
CVS if the author has not done that. Sometimes, if they use
CVS, they tell me where the doc is in the tree (let me know
in their submit msg to ####@####.#### I do a cvs update,
and run the process. Otherwise, they send the files (again,
attached as gzip tar to their message to ####@####.#### and
I perform the steps I outlined (including checking the files
into CVS).


jdd for the Linux Documentation Project

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