discuss: Thread: Newbie install: LDP section

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Subject: Newbie install: LDP section
From: "Alan Henn" ####@####.####
Date: 6 Mar 2001 13:54:35 -0000
Message-Id: <saa497a3.052@Emerald.SS.MsState.Edu>

Trying to get LDP working in a Mandrake 7.2 installation on a Compaq Armada E500 laptop.  i would like to create using XML DTD, and do the standard renderings (RTF, XML, HTML, text) plus PDF.

As per instruction i have installed openjade 1.3, the XML DTD docbkx412, and Norman Walsh's DSSSL db162 in the directory /usr/local/xml, but with each in their own subdirectory (e.g. /usr/local/xml/openjade, /usr/local/xml/dtd, ...)

The LDP-Author-Guide section confuses me with this bit of instruction:
bash$ export
 $_toolroot/dtd/docbook/catalog  (1)
 bash$ jade -t sgml -i html -d style $_jade_path/pubtext/xml.dcl foo.xml (2)
(1)      You'll need the catalogs for XML, the DSSSL, and DocBook, respectively. $_toolroot was defined  above. 
(2)     Replace style with the DSSSL (ldp.dsl) you wish to use. The pointer to xml.dcl is required for jade to work, and it has to be listed immediately before the pointer to your XML document. This file may be  in a different directory. Check your distribution. 

This export command is not making sense to me.  XML root DTD is located in /usr/local/xml/dtd/ , and $_toolroot/dsssl in /usr/local/xml/dsssl, but to my understanding $_toolroot/dtd/docbook/catalog is identical with the xml/dtd first referenced. 

Clearly my understanding is deficient.  Would someone please set me straight?

i haven't located a group FAQ. Can someone please point me to it?

Thank you for your help.


Alan Henn
Extension Plant Pathologist
Mississippi StateUniversity Extension

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