discuss: Generate PO from SGML

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Subject: Re: [discuss] Generate PO from SGML
From: "jdd for http://tldp.org" ####@####.####
Date: 19 Nov 2008 13:59:33 +0000
Message-Id: <49241B38.9090607@dodin.org>

Fabrício Godoy a écrit :

> No, in this case PO are not used, but MO files converted from PO.
> The MO files are found in /usr/share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES

well.. po is the file used to translate.

It's posible to use po files to translate a doc, for example inkscape
uses it to translate his tutorials (here to french):


The source is still the docbook format, so it should be compatible
with LDP.

However, I don't know if it gives really some advantages.

It can be good is the source langage file changes almost never, to
reflect the small changes. This can be the case for HOWTOs.

For what I know, po files are not friendly.

It's difficult to have both user interaction like wikis and easy
translation. Wiki gives often many small changes and it's difficult to
know if the changes are important (=need translation) or only
cosmetics (=can be ignored), and in docs changes in the position of
paragraphs are not unfrequent. Phrases are long (as in the inkscape
example) and so it's not easy to make the translation.

po files are very good to translate strings with fixed length, like
text in interactive screens (YaST, for openSUSE users, for example)

Howaver, if you reach your goal and makes it easy to translate HOWTO,
this will be good news :-))

jdd for the Linux Documentation Project

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