discuss: Thread: Re: From EndNote to Lyx

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Subject: Re: From EndNote to Lyx
From: Emma Jane Hogbin ####@####.####
Date: 5 Apr 2004 22:45:58 -0000
Message-Id: <20040405150015.GC784@smeagol>

On Sat, Apr 03, 2004 at 09:16:18PM +0200, ivan wrote:
> I'm new to this mailing list. I made a new mini-howto, called
> "from_endnote_to_lyx". It is written in docbook sgml.
> I think that this could be a good mini-howto to migrate from
> endnote/microsoft word to Lyx.

It looks interesting to me, but I'm not sure that it's ready for inclusion
in the collection yet. I would like to see more information about LyX in
the document (or at least point to other resources about LyX). The
document seems to assume that the user already knows about LyX and is only
needing to convert a bibliography. Is that right?

I would at least provide the user to the JBibTEXManager and LyX web sites.
(I know you do this later, but I'd do it sooner as well.)
Ideally there would also be a set of brief instructions on how to install
LyX and what the basic features are. If your document is only for people
who already use LyX I think it could end up reaching a smaller audience.

There's a fair amount of markup that could be added as well. Especially
for GUI menu selections. I'm off-line right now so I don't have the
resources with me, but I believe the author guide gives a quick HOWTO in
the DocBook: Sample Markup appendix. Maybe you could add some screen shots
as well? Your text description seems good to me, but pictures can be very,
very helpful.

You'll need to include the full text of the license as well, but that's
easy to add.

> First delete the item <emphasis>label</emphasis> in all of the parts of the template. Then add two commas to different points of the template. The first comma is after the first parenthesis, and the second before the last parenthesis. We show an example of a correct template.

Is there an easy search and replace regular expression type thing that you
could include in the document to help automate this process? If someone
has in the range of 300+ documents in their bibliography this step will be
very time consuming! Or is this just in the template? Already I'm
confused. ;) I'm probably not your target audience though, so you will
need to decide what's best for your readers.

> <entry align="center" valign="top"><para>Author = &lcub;`Author`&rcub;,</para></entry>

It's really back ticks? Be sure to say explicitly in your text which
should be used (or if it even matters).

> Now you can export in bibtex format your bibliography from endnote. To do this, go to the file menu, select the menu <emphasis>export</emphasis>. A window will appear and save your file in text format (with the extension .<emphasis>txt</emphasis>). The file must be processed first in a linux editor as <emphasis>kate</emphasis> or similar. In kate open the bibliography file. Delete the white space present at the beginning of the file and change the end of the row from Macintosh/Windows to Unix. Then save the file with the extension .<emphasis>bib</emphasis> and with a name without any withe space. The name <emphasis>BIBLIO.bib</emphasis> is a correct name that can be used. Don't use name too long!
>   </para>

Does it need to be kate? Or can you use any text editor?

> </term><listitem><para>I inserted a citation in the lyx document but it doesn't appear at the end of the document in the bibliography. How can I solve this?

Why not include this in the appropriate section as a "warning" or "note"?

Overall I think it's an interesting document. I'd want to see it expanded
to include some more background information before it was included in the


Emma Jane Hogbin
[[ 416 417 2868 ][ www.xtrinsic.com ]]
Subject: Re: From EndNote to Lyx
From: Ivan Baldinotti ####@####.####
Date: 6 Apr 2004 09:27:08 -0000
Message-Id: <200404061012.06891.ivan.b@lycos.it>

I'm sorry for the delay in my answer but I'm in Italy, so I can answer you 
after six or more hours.

> It looks interesting to me, but I'm not sure that it's ready for inclusion
> in the collection yet. I would like to see more information about LyX in
> the document (or at least point to other resources about LyX). The
> document seems to assume that the user already knows about LyX and is only
> needing to convert a bibliography. Is that right?

Yes, your comment is right. I could insert a short description about Lyx and 
links to its website.  But any other suggestion from you is welcome.

> I would at least provide the user to the JBibTEXManager and LyX web sites.
> (I know you do this later, but I'd do it sooner as well.)
> Ideally there would also be a set of brief instructions on how to install
> LyX and what the basic features are. If your document is only for people
> who already use LyX I think it could end up reaching a smaller audience.

You are right.  In fact the possible readers of this documents (students and 
researchers) probably doesn't know what Lyx is. I think that a description 
about the installation, the use of Lyx and JBibTEXManager is necessary.

> There's a fair amount of markup that could be added as well. Especially
> for GUI menu selections. I'm off-line right now so I don't have the
> resources with me, but I believe the author guide gives a quick HOWTO in
> the DocBook: Sample Markup appendix. Maybe you could add some screen shots
> as well? Your text description seems good to me, but pictures can be very,
> very helpful.

Probably, I can add some picture from my desktop when I'm using these 

> You'll need to include the full text of the license as well, but that's
> easy to add.


> Is there an easy search and replace regular expression type thing that you
> could include in the document to help automate this process? If someone
> has in the range of 300+ documents in their bibliography this step will be
> very time consuming! Or is this just in the template? Already I'm
> confused. ;) I'm probably not your target audience though, so you will
> need to decide what's best for your readers.

No you must change only the template. In fact my bibliography is up to 5000 
entries! This points is not clear in my document. 

> It's really back ticks? Be sure to say explicitly in your text which
> should be used (or if it even matters).

An image would be more explicit than my table. But yes it is a back tick like 
this `.

> Does it need to be kate? Or can you use any text editor?

No you can use any other editor as emacs, vi, gedit, nano. But in Kate there 
is a command that let you to set the endline from mac/win to unix. I don't 
know if it is possible in the other editors. Probably in emacs.

> Why not include this in the appropriate section as a "warning" or "note"?

This is a good idea.

> Overall I think it's an interesting document. I'd want to see it expanded
> to include some more background information before it was included in the
> collection.
> emma

Thanks for your comment.  I think that some additions are necessary, as you 
have showed me. But the time I have for this is small. I think that I will 
use the Easter holidays to make the changes necessary for this howto.

Subject: From EndNote to Lyx
From: Ivan Baldinotti ####@####.####
Date: 15 Sep 2004 08:05:33 -0000
Message-Id: <200409150959.52870.spank@slacky.it>

Did someone read my howto (from endnote to lyx) that is fisically to this 
address http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/FromEndnote.tar.gz ?
I want to thank Rick Moen for his disponibility. I will look for a web storage 
to free the space that Rick offered.
Subject: From EndNote to Lyx
From: Ivan Baldinotti ####@####.####
Date: 1 Oct 2004 10:33:39 -0000
Message-Id: <200410011218.46033.spank@slacky.it>

Hi Guys.
Did you read my howto? I need help. If someone would rewiew it, it can be 
found at this link:
I think that this could be a useful howto in writing scientific works.
Ivan Baldinotti
Subject: Re: From EndNote to Lyx
From: "Chris Karakas" ####@####.####
Date: 1 Oct 2004 11:37:18 -0000
Message-Id: <76250751@web.de>

Ivan Baldinotti ####@####.#### schrieb am 01.10.04 12:33:58:
> Hi Guys.
> Did you read my howto? I need help. If someone would rewiew it, it can be 
> found at this link:
> http://it.f2.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/ivanbaldinotti/vwp2?.tok=bcv.GGUBQfydQDRK&.dir=/public&.dnm=FromEndnote.zip&.src=bc
> I think that this could be a useful howto in writing scientific works.


I've had a quick read of your document. Two things to note:

1. The language needs some polishing. Grammar is not always correct and typographic conventions are not always followed (is it "gui" or "GUI", "lyx", "Lyx" or "LyX", "latex" or "LaTeX"?). I guess this will be done at a later stage by a native speaker, after technical review has taken place.

2. On the technical part: I have never used EndNote, but I am familiar with RefDB ( http://refdb.sourceforge.net ). From that I know that the standard format for bibliographies (in the Windows world) is RIS. Thus you could use EndNote to export to a file in RIS format, then you could import the RIS file into RefDB (RefDB offers a command for this, so it is straightforward). You could then use the procedure described in 




to incorporate the bibliography in a SGML file generated by LyX, with correct style (which can vary according to Journal you are submitting) and cross references - automatically!

I think you should familiarize yourself with this possibility to move bibliographies from EndNote to LyX and include a discussion of its merits (and possible drawbacks) in your work. Feel free to contact me for any details.


Chris Karakas

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