discuss: Thread: wiki

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Subject: wiki
From: jdd ####@####.####
Date: 28 Jan 2002 10:22:12 -0000
Message-Id: <20020128102211.67C8AAB4CE@postfix1-2.free.fr>

I'm quite busy and couldn't follow all the thread about wiki.

so I didn't see what was it result.

is there a web page about what I can do with wiki as an author?

I would like to have a "white board" like space to set news, for example for 
now the ldp version of the HOWTO is newer than the one on my web site, I 
could write this on such a page, and so on.

but this page should be referenced in the HOWTO itself and though at a fixed 
definitive place. Is that already the case?


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Subject: Re: wiki
From: David Merrill ####@####.####
Date: 28 Jan 2002 13:19:57 -0000
Message-Id: <20020128141106.GA7484@lupercalia.net>

On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 09:04:42AM +0100, jdd wrote:
> I'm quite busy and couldn't follow all the thread about wiki.
> so I didn't see what was it result.
> is there a web page about what I can do with wiki as an author?

It's not a true Wiki, although I hope to add more and more
functionality over time. See http://db.linuxdoc.org and look for your
record in the maintainers list, then send me your desired usename and
password (and maintainer_id, which you'll see on the maintainer page),
and I will give you write access.

Right now only you (and admins of course) can make any changes. But
any registered user can write "notes" on the document. There's also a
"tickle date" function, so you can have reminders of things that need
to be done on a document.

> I would like to have a "white board" like space to set news, for example for 
> now the ldp version of the HOWTO is newer than the one on my web site, I 
> could write this on such a page, and so on.

You could use the note field for that.

> but this page should be referenced in the HOWTO itself and though at a fixed 
> definitive place. Is that already the case?

No, because it is not for general use, but for authors, for now.
Eventually you will have the option of opening it up fo
help/discussion/etc. from others. How that will work is still not
established definitely.

David C. Merrill                         http://www.lupercalia.net
Linux Documentation Project                   ####@####.####
Collection Editor & Coordinator            http://www.linuxdoc.org

We all come from the Goddess
And to Her we shall return
Like a drop of rain
Flowing to the ocean
Subject: Re: wiki
From: David Merrill ####@####.####
Date: 28 Jan 2002 13:32:09 -0000
Message-Id: <20020128142315.GC7484@lupercalia.net>

On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 09:04:42AM +0100, jdd wrote:
> I'm quite busy and couldn't follow all the thread about wiki.
> so I didn't see what was it result.
> is there a web page about what I can do with wiki as an author?

Sorry, didn't answer your question. :-/

See the "LDP WikiText Editing HOWTO, published a couple of days ago."

David C. Merrill                         http://www.lupercalia.net
Linux Documentation Project                   ####@####.####
Collection Editor & Coordinator            http://www.linuxdoc.org

It's fair to say that the Internet promise has become the newest market in
our economy, and access should not be controlled by any one company.
Microsoft currently enjoys a monopoly that controls more than 90 percent of
the desktop computer today.
	--Retired US Senator & former presidential candidate Robert Dole
Subject: wiki
From: rahul ####@####.####
Date: 29 Nov 2003 01:37:25 -0000
Message-Id: <3FC7F849.3070509@yahoo.co.in>


> > "excellent idea. i have asked randy to set this up.
> You shouldn't ask for someone to set something up until the consensus is to
> do it.  If it's just for Rahul's HOWTOs then it's probably OK.
> 			David Lawyer
> > Those who object should come up with clarifications at to what they
> > object specifically.remember for now this is an alternative. We will
> > mail the authors independantly informing up of this alternative setup
> > once its done"
> Shouldn't this apply also to the proponents?  I think the opponents, etc.
> did give reasons.
> > ----------
> >
> > I never said that wiki is the obvious system to use.
> True, but your enthusiasm for it tended to imply this.
> > I believe asking people to justify their opinions is a fair thing to
> > do. dont you?
> >

i dont think you get it. I asked randy to set it up as an alternative to
demonstrate for me and to the group how wiki can be used and see if 
there are
any problems cropping up. whose consensus should i need for that?

wiki isnt something i have used much myself. i am NOT propogating wiki. All
that i am thinking of is discussing ideas and implementing things for 
it easier for LDP and its authors to maintain docs in a good way.

I cannot and will not force anyone to adopt to any particular system. 
this is
completely optional. how can it be any other way?.

rahul sundaram
Subject: wiki
From: Machtelt Garrels ####@####.####
Date: 5 Dec 2006 11:37:38 -0000
Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0612051135420.14565-100000@cobra.xalasys.com>

Hash: SHA1

Dear All,

To avoid all confusion: I don't have news yet about the setup of our Wiki.
That is why you can't find any references to a URL in the archives.  I'll
be sure to announce its location as soon as iBiblio communicates it to us
and we've had the time to initialise it with the unmaintained documents.

Thank you all for your patience,


- --
Machtelt Garrels                ####@####.####
Review Coordinator    	 	http://www.tldp.org/authors/

My Penguin, my freedom.         http://tille.xalasys.com

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


Subject: Re: [discuss] wiki
From: Paul Jones ####@####.####
Date: 5 Dec 2006 13:36:30 -0000
Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.4.64.0612050829470.8992@tribal.metalab.unc.edu>


would you like to assign someone to set up and be the manager of tldp 
wiki? or are you asking us, ibib, to select the software and set it up?

we can work either way but usually you, tldp (and i include me on this), 
make a request for ####@####.#### and we give you what you need. in this 
case maybe mySQL database if you choose a wiki software that requires such 
like say mediawiki.

do let us know and we'll help out. immediately (copy me as well as help).


tlpd has had problems in the past with "private" sites that were not run 
by tlpd itself. this explains some of the resistance that you are getting. 
having been in the middle of someone's advertising project cloaked as 
helping tldp, i understand that resistance deeply. 
so it's not about you but about history. it would be great if you wanted 
to volunteer to install and manage a tldp wiki on ibiblio or whereever 
tldp sanctions such. prolly running it totally under your personal or your 
business' control will not fly. this isn't personal.

On Tue, 5 Dec 2006, Machtelt Garrels wrote:

+Hash: SHA1
+Dear All,
+To avoid all confusion: I don't have news yet about the setup of our Wiki.
+That is why you can't find any references to a URL in the archives.  I'll
+be sure to announce its location as soon as iBiblio communicates it to us
+and we've had the time to initialise it with the unmaintained documents.
+Thank you all for your patience,
+- --
+Machtelt Garrels                ####@####.####
+Review Coordinator    	 	http://www.tldp.org/authors/
+My Penguin, my freedom.         http://tille.xalasys.com
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)

                             Paul Jones
 "Work as if you live in the early days of a better nation." Alasdair Gray
  ####@####.####   voice: (919) 962-7600     fax: (919) 962-8071
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