discuss: Contribution effort (was : More TLDP job desc)

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Subject: Contribution effort (was : More TLDP job desc)
From: Mathieu Deschamps ####@####.####
Date: 11 Mar 2005 16:04:35 -0000
Message-Id: <20050311160408.88723.qmail@web25706.mail.ukl.yahoo.com>

> Mathieu: 
>Well I think this is already well thought up, thanks for theses precisions... :)
> Don't you think this FAQ style content should be displayed in author's job description ? 
> As well, I think this 'in/out conditions' have to be clearely displayed for every job ? 
> This way when someone choose the role he has a full concise abstract of this. As well
> a link to the available licences where such conditions are completely explained would be 
> security.
> Dave :
>A lot of this is probably covered in the Author Guide which is mentioned
>as a training resource in the job description.
Yes, and so ? that's not the matter ! 
<A quick flame> Stop picking my post as if it's always
'but nowhere is said that thing..' please ! All the ways you treat people
whom want to contribute in here are so insulting or humiliating !
</A quick flame>
Dave to stilly answer you : what covers the Guide or the manifesto is a thing, what need new author to by contributing to this project is an other; and believe I know plently what it is about publishing
doc on a site whether it's about Linux or not. So please chop down your prejudges. 
Everybody in here is so to his LDTP day work, that you've gotten blind and deafs ! Or even worse...
Look the aim is not to answer everytime by "read what is in this ressource". The hypnotic so called theory behind RTFT(Read The Fuc*ing Thing)  won't con me any longer ! It has to change, you got to take some responsabilities when webnauts get stuck in this nut-butter, that's to easy to say every answers are set in a single ways to reach doc as if this is a bible. 
Some info redundancy is useful, there're many ways to reach a goal, to make people to do something without dictate, or dead feinting.
Simply : Why the hell is it compulsary to read all that Guide to be begining authoring as if new comers shall know everything from the start about LDTP ? Some vital aspect, ok then let's
go. Having to read tons of arid "how to begin contributing as author" and scourging all of this site's doc is the best way to kill in the egg that contribution effort. Don't you realize ? And just saying "documentation effort have never interested much people" as an answer is broughting water to my mill. In such a case how come this could be else ?
As good as this Author Guide could be, this not a bible, is it ? What I meant in that post is, that a succint "in/out condition" key point is a shortcut, so new author get involved from the start quickly. 
Without taking a ticket to queue or a ticket for a free-visit. Let him goes where he wants to.
And that FAQ style layout illustrate the idea to wet a bit the arid spirit on the matter, to be visual, that's more teaching and clear. 
Authors needn't know all about TLDP, what do you think it might be, Alexandria's Great Library ? 
They just want to publish, of course they are some compulsary publishing constraints but LDP go far beyond.  
> Godoy :
>From time to time we see that somebody tried to contact someone and didn't 
>succeed :-) 
<cold flame sequence>
Ahan did you ? And have you ever felt you could/should be supporting that instead of 
just being watching atop of   LDP-castle, to bring, to help it to reach its completion ? 
Everyone behaves here as if he is sit on a treasure or as if this is the linux doc last
ressort, defending the castle even from the defendors. What a waste :)
</cold flame sequence>
> Godoy :
>I think we are missing the focus on the documents if we start focusing 
>on all
>the rest...  It is important, of course, but our objective is 

Oh yes ! Focusing on the way contributing effort could be ameliorate is surely not your 
cup of tea, you are beyond that, don't you...The simple idea that it is deficient did never
ever ever touch you, did it?
When you'll understand your main objective, documentation strongly depends on the way vonlunteer and so authors are ease in the publishing process, LDP will be on its track again !
And some day as you think of it, just express it, change it, before LDP's doc are written by that few people, it means nothing at all believing theses still carries at least one of your manifesto statement or at least a single good will into you couch. 
et toc :) !

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