discuss: TLDP Tech

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Subject: Re: TLDP Tech
From: Rick Moen ####@####.####
Date: 6 Mar 2005 01:22:03 -0000
Message-Id: <20050306012201.GS27314@linuxmafia.com>

Quoting Emma Jane Hogbin ####@####.####

> So I would advocate going with PHP....but that's just me. It's plausible
> we end up with a multi-language environment with different components
> being hosted off-site and then "publishing" flat files to the ibiblio
> server.

I use PHP myself -- both by itself as a sort of HTML macro language and
in its very common role as an intermediary to SQL databases --  and find
it useful.  (This post isn't advocacy for or against any
software-environment alternative; you just reminded me of something
relevant that should be taken into consideration, in my view.)

Early on with PHP, and to a large extent continuing to this day, the
emphasis has been on making the language and tools accessible to novices
as well as experienced users.  Thus, a lot of good-programming
practices, especially for public-facing code, fell by the wayside, such
as requiring that variables be declared and scoped before use.  In
consequence, the ability for anyone -- including random members of the
public -- to declare a global-scope variable at any time, hung over the
PHP-using community and lead to a number of security blowups in popular
PHP code over the last year or two.  And that's not the only misfeature:
Here are three php.ini booleans I've set to "off", of late:


Each of those has traditionally defaulted to "on" as a convenience
feature, and each has been a security hazard.  The register_globals one
was such a hazard that, after considerable dissention, they finally
changed it to default = off for newer versions.

Here's the thing, though:  A lot of developed PHP code relies on that
behaviour.  More than one PHP package -- bulletin board packages, wikis,
etc., breaks if, in the name of decent system security, you set that to
"off" -- and the installation instructions will typically say "This
package requires that you edit register_globals to "On".

What I'm mostly suggesting is that, although the language certainly does
support good, cautious coding, it also supports and (arguably) has for a
long time encouraged the opposite.  And fixing badly coded PHP so that
it doesn't use security-risky shortcuts is much more difficult than
cranking it out was in the first place.

Just something to bear in mind.

Previous by date: 6 Mar 2005 01:22:03 -0000 Re: mailinglist policy/politeness, Rick Moen
Next by date: 6 Mar 2005 01:22:03 -0000 Re: modifiability of docs: final decision, Rahul Sundaram
Previous in thread: 6 Mar 2005 01:22:03 -0000 Re: TLDP Tech, lists.mjhall.org
Next in thread: 6 Mar 2005 01:22:03 -0000 Re: TLDP Tech, lists.mjhall.org

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