discuss: Linux Brochure Project (LBP)--Linux Advocacy & Publicity

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Subject: Re: Linux Brochure Project (LBP)--Linux Advocacy & Publicity
From: "B. E. Irwin" ####@####.####
Date: 26 Mar 2004 18:43:14 -0000
Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.4.56.0403260914210.24832@fgneyvat.zlyna.ubzr>

On Wed, 24 Mar 2004, Ferg / LDP wrote:

> > Guylhem Aznar has invited the Linux Brochure Project (LBP) to
> > be part of the Linux Documentation Project.
> > ...
> > What's the next step?
> This was not communicated to us. What does Guylhem have in mind?

This is a good question.  Both sides are agreed in principal that LBP will
become part of TLDP, but there are lots of details to be worked out. Tillie
and Giridhar will be writing up the LBP project in an upcoming LDP Weekly
News so I assume some of the details from the TLDP point of view will be
addressed there.

> 1. We can mirror completed/processed brochures from an existing
>    repository (if one exists).
> 2. We can act as a repository for completed/processed brochures
>    (we already have one or two documents of this type available).

> 3. We can deploy the tools and accept "brochure" content to be
>    handled in our normal workflow (e.g. accept thru our submittal
>    process, store the source in our CVS tree, process and store the
>    variants on the LDP website).
> 4. ?
> The above are stated in increasing order of difficulty and work
> involved.  What do you see our role/relationship as?

The tools we use to build the brochures are discussed at
Our software contribution beyond finding the right open-source tools to do
the job is a 400-line Makefile to keep the brochure build organized and also
some specific latex scripts as well to do some of the required
transformations.  With these GPLed scripts _any_ brochure can be made with
our brochure-building "software engine".

An additional important aspect of our project is we have specific GPLed
source content (artwork and latex) which can be run through our software
engine to produce high-quality postscript and pdf brochures (as well as
lower-quality thumbnail, screenshot and html results) to promote Linux.
Those example brochure results are currently made available at:

Our group is well aware that our software engine is not compatible with how
TLDP documentation is currently produced.  We suspect, however, that what we
primarily do now with latex could eventually be done with docbook so we
might be able to move to better software compatiblity in the future.  We
do have some docbook experience on our team, but we would need help from a
docbook guru here to move forward with this idea because the transformations
required to make a brochure (6 mini-pages rotated and shifted to two ordinary
sized watermarked pages) are not straightforward.

Currently, the SourceForge facilities used by our project are the file
release area, cvs, and our website.  We believe the first priority in
merging our project with yours is to move our website (suitably transformed
to your style) to some part of the tldp.org site.  This corresponds to your
point 2, above.

Barbara Irwin
Victoria, B.C.  Canada

                      The Roman Rule: The one who says it cannot be done
		      should never interrupt the one who is doing it.

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