discuss: Review of GNU/Linux Tools Summary

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Subject: RE: Review of GNU/Linux Tools Summary
From: "Guru -" ####@####.####
Date: 14 Dec 2003 06:47:58 -0000
Message-Id: <Sea2-F58R7CPRFMh7Yo00006b36@hotmail.com>

Hi rahul and everyone else,

>consistency: The document should state the syntax first and example
>second of vice versa for every command. If the command has a complicated 
>a simplified one can be presented. I find some commands has only example, 
>has only syntax and some has neither.
Yes, I realise this I haven't being able to create any kind of useful 
example for commands.
I haven't decided whether I should keep both command syntax and example or 
just replace the command-syntax wth example because the syntax is quite 
generic and doesn't really change much from command to command.
You could get the same information from reading the first paragraph of a man 
page on the command.
Any comments?

>If there are other documents related to the topic the links should be 
>within the section itself
Yes thats a good idea, I'll try and fit them in somewhere. The problem is 
that often I don't know any good references (I was hoping people would 
suggest some along with hyperlinks and short descriptions).

>Order and Grouping
>I find the order and grouping to be sub optimal. The commands which are 
>used should come first and they should be grouped with similar commands 
>the same section ex) netstat and nmap . In certain cases, it is not 
>possible to
>determine which commands are used more and it can done arbitrarily while 
>care of grouping only.
I've changed order and grouping many many times.
I'll try again to re-arrange them thats not a bad idea.

>The introduction part to assume that the user is fairly technical. It would 
>better to avoid using technical terms as much as possible in the 
>especially so if the terms are explained within the documentation itself.
I'll try and work on it.

>It is not clear to me whether the document is meant for end users who want 
>understand the command line or newbie system administrators or somewhere in
Intermediate users, users with a basic understanding of the CLI and newbie 

>The audience section seems to overlap the introduction. For example the 
>that it is not possible to list everything is expressed in both. While this 
>entirely true I find it redundant.
Yes, I've put it twice because people just don't get to seem the point.
I'll try make it a little better though.

>It has explanations of package management starting with mandrake,
>redhat and then debian. It seems that redhat, debian and mandrake along 
>slackware is more appropriate based on popularity
>If the audience is a newbie it would be good to have a explanation of what 
>package manager does in a short manner
>For example " A package manager is a utility for centrally managing the
>installation, upgradation, removal and querying of software in the system"
>Also appropriate is an explanation of apt-get and yum(fedora).
I'll try and do apt-get and yum when I get time, this will require yet more 
research... Ie. this could be a long time before I get around to it.
The re-ordering I can do fairly easily.

>There should be a differentiation between package management and dependency 
>resolving tools.
How would you define a dependency resolving tool? Are you referring to 
apt-get? and urpmi? and yum?

>You have choosen the GNU FDL as the license. Here are some issues to 
>Alternatives include the OPL(without restrictions) and Creative commons 
>alike license.
I'm waiting for the debate about licenses to finish before I do anything 
about the license.

>3. The Unix tools philosophy
>It would be better to call it design rather than philosophy when it talking 
>hands on approach. Instead of using the word "Unix based" a better wording 
>be "Unix-like". Also acknowledge any trademarks as such.
Unix based is not always the correct word for it, its Unix-like not a copy 
of Unix source.

>4. Shell tips
>You have used the word cntrl to specify control keys. I find ^ and ctrl to 
>more common usage. Considering using them instead if not specify the word
>"control" itself each time. This would make the document lend itself better 
>as a
I tihink cntrl vs ctrl is very minor although using the "^" symbol wouldn't 
be a bad idea. I've seen it used more in techincal manuals so I might as 
well start using it here. (I've seen the '-' used in many other places too), 
also a minor issue...

>You can include a section about using back quotes too.
I already have one, section 6.3 "command substitution".

>4.1 Virtual terminals
>The explanation could include the difference between x the protocol and 
>the implementation (foot notes or references where appropriate).
Yes that might be a good idea, but thats starting to push outside the scope 
of the document. So I don't think I'll add that.

>apropos is a alternative for man -k. It does not search whatis strings?
>A section on using konqueror and nautilus to view man and info pages might 
>considered even though this document is entirely about command line tools.I
>personally find konqueror to be a handy tool even when relying on the 
>line stuff to do the actual task. This way you can use info and man pages
>without relearning key bindings.
I'm not sure how you do it in Konqueror and nautilus, if you do know than 
please tell me because I don't have enough space to install them on this 
computer at the moment. And I don't have enough time to research everything 

>8.Finding information about the system
>"(note: advanced, confusing and powerful command). " has been put up before
>xargs. I would find it more natural if this is including as a gentle 
>within the body as the second sentence
Yes, point taken, or I could convert it to a warning or caution admonition.

>9.Controlling the system
>Echo command seems the odd man here. It is better to explain this along 
>with cat
>as text manipulation. sed and awk can be included too.
Yes I probably overlooked moving it when I restructured the document for the 
millionth time.

>9.2 Shutting down
>halt can be explained first followed by shutdown commands.poweroff can be
>included too.
I'm not familiar with poweroff, I'll have to check whether it exists on my 
mandrake system.

>9.3 Controlling Processes
>ps aux | grep is a fairly common usage.
Yes I use it all the time, I think it might be listed under the ps section.

>kill -9 can be explained here.
Didn't I explain that under the description of kill?

>9.4 Controlling services
>service start, status and restart can be explained here
>update-rc.d is the debian equivalent?
Yes I'll check out the debian equivalent, this is the kind of feedback I 
need. :)

>11. Text related tools
>Pico or nano might be appropriate for new user
Yes I could probably mention them I guess....(without starting some kind of 
text-editor war on which ones should and shouldn't be mentioned).

>11.2 Text based tools
>The order of listing can be changed according the common usage.
>tail (-f option is very common for real time lookups)
I'll try it.
But I'm not entirely sure on what order they are most often used in.

>11.3 Text manipulation utilities
>Again the order of listing can be changed.
Maybe people should start suggesting the new order... Because I'm not a 
system admin, I'm a student and I don't use all these tools that often, only 

>13.mathematical tools
>Python can come first here.
>An example of mathematical operation in python is appropriate.

>15.Network commands
>Order and grouping can be changed.
How? I'm not sure what is used more often so I'll just be guessing.

>17.2 compression
>tar zxvf and tar jxvf are commonly used but not explained here.
>bzip2 is generally more efficient and should be mentioned.
I've should probably add them. bzip2 is mentioned! along with gzip!

>24. Mini guides
>Rpm is explained but debian and slackware systems could be added.
Yes but I don't know how they work and I'm not sure whether to keep the RPM 
section or not...
Because there are a lot of tutorials written already on RPM, Debian, 
slackware package management.

>links to more comprehensive documentation like maxrpm guide and debian 
>could be added.
Yes, if you could see the notes (only avaliable when viewing the document in 
LyX), I need links to guides like that because I haven't read them, I don't 
know where they are and I don't know what there called.


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