discuss: status of document

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Next in thread: 12 Dec 2003 06:38:17 -0000 Re: status of document, doug jensen

Subject: Re: status of document
From: doug jensen ####@####.####
Date: 12 Dec 2003 06:38:17 -0000
Message-Id: <20031212065721.GA4906@ispwest.com>

On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 07:46:46PM +0530, rahul wrote:
> The documentation license usually allows the document to be updated 
> without the author's explicit permission. You can go ahead and submit 
> the revised document.

That would be a great way to close bugs, but I'm not sure I would be
comfortable with changing someone elses document in that way.
Has that ever been done before, without the doc being declared
unmaintained first?   The document would be getting an updated date, but
only one part would be updated.  Who is the maintainer at that point?
It seem like there could be alot of issues involved.

> If the documentation is not being maintained the process would be more
> easier.Coordination should be beneficial.

By "not being maintained", do you mean already on TLDP unmaintained
list?  Because we don't generally distribute those, TLDP doesn't put
them in the tar balls (except the ones, on the list I sent about a week
ago, as requested by Tabatha and David).

How would we go about moving some of the documents with open bugs, to
the unmaintained list on TLDP?

> I would like to know the number of bugs filed against each document if
> thats easy to produce

It's about 39 bugs (less three or four that are Debian specific).
Usually just one per document.  You can have a look at:
Keep in mind that the bug submitters can only put one specific problem
in each report, so I think its more of an indication that the document
should be updated IMO.  Would you still like a list anyway?
Oh, by the way, the HOWTO names are shortened so that the descriptions
aren't so long.

Doug Jensen

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Next by date: 12 Dec 2003 06:38:17 -0000 Re: status of document, doug jensen
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Next in thread: 12 Dec 2003 06:38:17 -0000 Re: status of document, doug jensen

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