discuss: Review needed of 'Encourage Women in Linux' HOWTO

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Subject: Re: Review needed of 'Encourage Women in Linux' HOWTO
From: "Rodolfo J. Paiz" ####@####.####
Date: 8 Dec 2003 00:03:59 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Everyone kindly forgive me for chiming in this late, but I have been away 
from my email for a few days. I'll include most of my comments in the 
response to Jutta. As someone else said, I'll apologize in advance for 
being long-winded but I want to avoid being misunderstood. And should 
anyone wonder, I did take the time to read the entire HOWTO at www.tldp.org 
before writing this.

At 14:42 12/7/2003, Jutta Wrage wrote:
>Okay, we can do as if everything is okay. But nothin would have changed, 
>if we had done so until now, and ignoring will not change anything in the 

Acting as if sexism does not exist is foolish and wrong; there is 
definitely sexism in this world today. It should not be ignored, it should 
be attacked and rejected. People with sexist views, especially those who 
publicly proselytize those views and act on them, should be criticized, 
ridiculed if warranted, and punished if necessary. Period, end of story. 
Hopefully everyone now understands how I feel: no type or amount of 
discrimination is ever correct or allowed.

Having said that, too many times in this world a wrong is committed to 
answer another wrong, and it will never be appropriate to answer invalid 
and misleading generalizations such as "women are not as smart as men" with 
other, different, but also just-as-sweeping generalizations. It is 
perfectly possible to be "reverse sexist" while trying to fight sexism. 
While Val Henson's work is one of the best-written HOWTO's I have ever read 
(in its use of the English language, in clarity, coherence, and effective 
communication) and while it is generally intelligent, well-thought-out, and 
attempting to be as fair as possible, I'll admit there were times I got 
overwhelmed by "men do this..." and "women do that..." which are certainly 
true sometimes but not all the time.

Men and women (and blacks and rednecks and name-your-ethnic-group) should 
see each other as individuals, recognizing each one's unique contributions, 
value, strengths, and weaknesses. Val feels (in a recent message to this 
list) that "...Until sexism is gone, I need to make sweeping 
generalizations..." and I disagree. I think that those sweeping 
generalizations are going to be just as wrong as the ones you are fighting, 
and that they SHOULD NOT be made. Why is it necessary to say "men tend to 
think women are stupid" which implies a majority of men or a majority of 
the time and is clearly an incorrect and insulting exaggeration? Why not 
say something true, like talking about "...those men who think women are 

Some women ARE stupid. Some women ARE technically-inept. Those things are 
true about some women, but the same things are true about some men... some 
men are stupid, and some men are technically-inept. It is the 
*generalization* that is wrong and causes harm. I would strongly suggest 
that major improvement in the HOWTO can be achieved (at least as far as its 
effectiveness in not alienating part of its audience) by simply changing 
many of the "men do"/"men say"/"when you..." phrases which assume the man 
reading this _does_ do those things.

While I have heard men make derogatory comments about women, I have also 
heard "you're a guy, you wouldn't understand" too often to count. I have 
seen women treated as though they were inferior, and I have been the 
subject of some abuse by women WHO ACTED AS THOUGH ALL MEN ARE SEXIST. 
Again, it is the generalization that is wrong. Val, unfortunately in my 
view, has chosen to generalize as a form of illustration and it does reduce 
the quality of the document. This HOWTO could be more valuable if it were 
more balanced and less negative about "men". Especially if it spoke less 
about "men" having all these faults, as though we were all alike and all 
had the same faults.

As a citizen of Guatemala, a Spanish speaker, and a dark-haired, 
fair-skinned male with an interest in computers, guns, airplanes, and 
business, I can assure you I have also been on the receiving end of my fair 
share of idiocies, slurs, ignorance, and hostility. Including "do you live 
in trees", "do you have peanut butter", and "did you find clothes very hard 
to get used to", never mind the more direct "you spics are all macho 
women-beaters anyway" and "I bet you know how to hijack this plane, huh"; 
and yes, those are all specific, real, relatively recent examples from both 
male and female adults in the United States.

Allow me to suggest a change for the very first sentence in the "1.1. 
Audience" section. Currently it reads:

         "This document is intended mainly for the male Linux enthusiast
         who would like to see more women involved in Linux."

While I very firmly and actively fit that description, I do not is truly 
directed at me (or if it is, then we're back to the sweeping 
generalizations and insulting remarks bit). That sentence would be much 
truer if it read:

         "This document is intended mainly for the male Linux enthusiast
         who would like to see more women involved in Linux, worries
         that his behavior may be hurting rather than helping and seeks
         pointers on what to change."


On another issue, I love the concept of an "Encouraging Women in Linux 
HOWTO". I'd be equally thrilled with an "Encouraging Your_Ethnic_Group_Here 
in Linux HOWTO" or an "Encouraging Diversity in Linux HOWTO"; however, the 
fact that those documents do not exist is no fault of Val's nor does it 
reflect badly on her document. All it means is that no one has taken the 
time and effort to write those documents whereas she cared enough to write 
one for women. Let us review her work on its own merits... the fact that it 
is focused on one group is irrelevant and does not detract from its value 
in any way.

Simple summary: beautifully written document, clearly a highly-intelligent, 
reasonable, and careful author, much to be praised. Good attempt at 
balance, but makes too many generalizations and risks alienating a good 
chunk of its audience who _isn't_ guilty of any of those sins. Even the "I 
don't do that" section reads like "are you sure?" Some changes would make 
it orders of magnitude better.

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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