discuss: (long) Using A Wiki (TWiki) at LDP (was Re: Is PHP-HOWTO some kind of joke ? (fwd))

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Subject: (long) Using A Wiki (TWiki) at LDP (was Re: Is PHP-HOWTO some kind of joke ? (fwd))
From: Randy Kramer ####@####.####
Date: 12 Nov 2003 19:34:39 -0000
Message-Id: <200311121445.18056.rhkramer@fast.net>

The following is (sort of) a response to Rodolfo (but not entirely, more 
below) and something of a demonstration of the simplicity of TWiki.  (I 
originally wrote this as an email (draft) and planned to simply copy and 
paste it to TWiki.  That is essentially what I did, but because of the 
intrusions of my (real life) schedule, I did a little editing on TWiki before 
sending this.  But, the following (except for this <introduction>) is a 
verbabim copy of what I pasted into WikiLearn at 
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Wikilearn/TWikiAdvocacyForTheLdpRaw.  Please 
take a look.

After writing this and looking back at Rodolfo's questions, I realized I 
hadn't explicitly answered them (and maybe not even implicitly).  Shortly 
after posting this, I will start a second response focusing specifically on 
his questions.  (And I will be much briefer.)

I know that I suggested or supported moves toward a wiki in the past.  I don't 
recall very well, but I think one time at least, I didn't push the idea very 
hard because Lampadas was on the horizon.  We can start using a wiki this 
afternoon, and if Lampadas or something similar does come to pass, we can 
abandon the appropriate parts of the wiki and move them into Lampadas.

Randy Kramer

---++ !! Contents

---++ Context

On Tuesday 11 November 2003 04:57 pm, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:<br />
> I have no idea what a wiki is, but will it keep the portability that exists
> today, and that is so important? Will all the HOWTO's be downloadable and
> viewable in various formats, will we still be able to mirror the site,
> etc.? Will it (bluntly) reduce the wonderful ubiquity the LDP has today?
> What are the downsides?

---++ Introduction

Thanks for asking!  And thanks to Martin Wheeler for providing an excellent 
answer, but I'd like to go a little further.  I won't do it all in this post 
(or maybe I'll mention it all (or most of it) but not elaborate as much as 
I'd like until later).

A wiki can be (or can be used for) many different things.  I'm going to 
describe it as a free-format on-line database that can be edited by anyone 
via their web browser.  And, although the original wiki way advocated 
allowing editing by anyone, some wiki engines (notably TWiki) provide means 
to restrict editing by various permissions type approaches.  (Believe it or 
not, there are probably over 100 different "wiki engines" (programs that make 
a wiki work).)

---++ TWiki

TWiki is still my preferred wiki engine, although it has some weaknesses and 
I've recently decided to spend at least a little time researching current 
alternatives (which is why I posted yesterday with some questions about 

---+++ Advantages of TWiki

Some other advantages of TWiki (sometimes with some notes comparing it to 
"traditional" wikis):
   * content is under RCS revision control which means that there is always a 
record of who wrote (revised) what, and when, and which can be used to 
recover from vandalism (by reverting to a prior revision)
   * there is a lot of functionality that can be added to TWiki by plugins, 
addons, or patches (I recently saw a note that TWiki now has 99 plugins and 
proposing an informal contest to see who would create (and "post") the 
      * a built-in drawing tool that can be used via your browser (TWikiDraw) 
-- a little primitive, but still quite useful -- I've also been able to do 
some (drawing) editing offline using, IIRC, JHotDraw, which, IIUC, is the 
tool from which TWikiDraw was derived.
      * the ability to add "structured data" to any topic via the addition of 
a form (IIRC "structured data" is the term I use, IIRC, they call it "form 
data", but what it is is the more structured type data you might see in a 
non-free-format database
      * a voting plugin (I don't recall the name, and I don't think I've used 
it) -- there are other simple ways of voting (with cheating possible) by 
simply each person editing the page, adding their vote, and revising their 
vote totals (or having them revised automatically by incorporating a 
spreadsheet on the page)
   * a spreadsheet plugin
   * an active communtity of developers (not just a single developer as is 
(was?) common for many of the other wikis I looked at (3 years ago) (still 
development is not as fast as I'd like, but, the development community has 
recently attempted a sort of renaissance in approach that may result in 
faster progress (not to say that progress is always a good thing, but there 
are changes I would like to see)

---+++ Use for Long Documents

Some people use (attempt to use?) TWiki to collaboratively write books or long 
documents.  (Search for Motorola, and something that might be called the 
Motorola extensions, look for the search feature that presents entire (web) 
pages (unfortunately called topics) in the search result (something like 
"book view").

---+++ Overloaded Terminology
---++++ Template

Just as a warning, unfortunately, TWiki overloads a few terms that can lead to 
confusion.  IIRC, they refer to three different things by the name "template" 
(the thing that creates the overall look and feel of each TWiki page (which 
can also be changed by skins, of which there are several); a (content) 
template to start a page with some boilerplate text (see [[Web Topic 
Template]]); and, IIRC, the third has something to do with the forms system).  

---++++ Web

The (an) other term that is overloaded is web.  In addition to the meaning we 
all know (the Internet "web"), TWiki can group pages by what they call webs.  
At the operating system level (at least currently, this topic is under 
occasional discussion), topics (pages) in different webs are in different 
directories (folders), so I think of a web as a directory (and would prefer 
that terminology be adopted).

---++++ WikiWords

There are some other things to get used to.  A basic "paradigm" of wikis is 
the use of WikiWords (TWiki.Words capitalized words "scrunched" together to 
automatically create links to (new) pages).  TWiki (like some other wikis) 
provides a means to avoid that paradigm.  In TWiki you can write [[Web Topic 
Template]] instead of WebTopicTemplate to get a link that looks more English 
like.  _The "official" definition of a WikiWord for TWiki is something like 
this: one or more capital letters, followed by one or more lower case 
letters, followed by one or more capital letters, followed by any combination 
of letters, numbers, and a (few) punctuation marks, with caveats that I won't 
(can't) recite instantly._

_Unfortunately, the actual title (and displayed title) of the resulting page 
is without spaces.  Using underbars ("_") to separate words in the title 
provides some improvement, and I am an advocate of allowing spaces in TWiki 
words.  (The problem is that, in the current versions of TWiki, the actual 
content of a page is stored in a file with the &lt;wikiword>.txt as the file 
name.  Spaces create problems (that could be overcome, AFAIK)._

---+++ Some TWiki Markup 

The other thing to get used to is the difficulty ( ;-) ) of creating properly 
marked up text for TWiki.  Just to show how difficult it is, I'm going to 
copy and paste this text (verbatim) to a WikiLearn page and ask that you go 
and take a look at how ugly it is.  

In fact, I'll call the page 
Advocacy For The LDP]].  (I created this link in what I'll call the long form 
so you can use it (hopefully (I know)) from this email -- if not copy and 
paste the URL looking part to your browser.  Within TWiki, as you partially 
already know, the link to the same page could also be written in any of the 
following ways:
   * [[TWiki Advocacy For The LDP]
Oops, I'll stop, that's going to be too much detail for now.

---++++ Tables

Let me add a table -- see what this looks like on the referenced page.

|  A  |  simple  |  table  |
|with |numbers or | whatever|

Many attributes of a table can be adjusted using TWiki markup, those that 
can't can be adjusted by using the advanced table plug-in or adding HTML 

---++++ Pictures

Many graphics can be added by just including a (valid) URL on the page -- this 
should appear as the (old, but current) TWiki logo:  

_You can locate the graphic more precisely by typical means (include in a 
table, specify a border, etc., etc., etc. (I don't do this often, so don't 
really know the details)._

---++++ Headings

The above is a Level 2 heading, I rarely use a Level 1 heading because the 
font is too large for my taste.  This could be corrected by the use of an 
appropriate CSS stylesheet.

---++++ Table of Contents

I've already included the markup above, I'll repeat it here in "raw" form (the 
&lt;nop> keeps it from being "rendered" by the TWiki engine).  _Similarly, my 
occasional use of HTML entities (&amp;lt;) is so that the relevant text is 
rendered by the TWiki engine._


---++ A Proposal

I make this very vague proposal (intentionally so at this point).  With a wiki 
(TWiki) we instantly (well, more below) have a tool that can be used for any 
purpose we choose:
   * If one or more of us want to write HOWTOs on TWiki (WikiLearn) simply 
register (so you can edit), create a page 10 seconds or less when you know 
how and are at the right place -- the simplest, point your browser at  (i.e., 
go to) http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Wikilearn/WebChanges, then, in the 
address bar, delete "WebChanges" and replace it with the name of your desired 
page (without spaces, you could include spaces in the form (IIRC), %20%, but 
you'll probably cause yourself a lot of grief.

   * If one or more of us want to comment on a particular HOWTO (Al Dev's), 
someone can start a page with an appropriate name, and any of us can add to 
it.  (I could, for example, paste David Lawyer's comments about the C++ 
Programming HOWTO to a page named CppProgrammingHowToComments as a start.)

   * If we want to keep lists of the HOWTOs and their status, simply create a 
list in plain ASCII text and consider adding some markup to each line to make 
it appear as a list (bulleted or numbered), table, or spreadsheet (table with 
math capability, in my own words).

   * If you want to pay attention to what others have recently done on the 
site, view the [[http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Wikilearn/WebChanges][Web 
Changes]] page (normally created per web, but a new version (I'd have to look 
for it) can display the changes for multiple (or all) webs.

   * Want to have a page for each HOWTO with some data and statistics, but 
then summarize the data on a separate page?  Use the "structured search" 
capability, in combination with a form and maybe a spreadsheet.  (I'm being a 
little vague here, I think quite a bit can be done here, but I don't do that 
much so am uncertain about the limitations.  Of course, TWiki is GPLed and 
written in Perl, so if we run into a restriction we can attempt to fix it or 
interest one of the developers in helping us.

   * More?? (Yes, I'm sure.)

---++ WikiLearn

I should say a little more about WikiLearn, from a few different angles:

   * WikiLearn is a single web on TWiki's "home" website, which is (currently) 
maintained on SourceForge.  If we want to (experimentally) move forward on 
some of these "proposals" I would propose that we do so on WikiLearn.

_There are some caveats:_ 
   * the SourceForge site is, IMHO, overloaded, and things can be slow.  Peter 
Thoeny (the originator and lead developer) is planning to move to another web 
host "real soon now".  
   * WikiLearn is sort of "my" TWiki.  I plan to move to my own site sometime 
soon (starting from three years ago ;-).  If WikiLearn was on its own site, I 
would add many more webs to provide segregated spaces for different subjects, 
for example, Linux, Cpp, C, Perl, whatever.  A dedicated TWiki site for LDP 
might (or might not) find it helpful to have separate webs for various 
purposes, possibly a web for each HOWTO.  _A hierarchical arrangement of webs 
is possible even with TWiki as it exists today, but is not really supported, 
so I wouldn't immediately recommend that.  I once knew some of the gotchas 
but I'd have to do quite a bit of digging to recall them._
   * ???

   * I created, and continue to work on WikiLearn, as my "open" learning 
notebook.  In other words, in some sense as an alternative to the LDP.  (I 
could write a lot about this, and have on other public or private posts or 
TWiki pages, and probably will write more as part of this or related 
dicussions.)  For now, one occasion for creating a WikiLearn page is when I 
need (want) to learn something.  I start a WikiLearn page and than start 
copying and pasting in quotes (properly (or at least reasonably) attributed, 
I hope), links, notes in my own words, etc.  Then as I start to understand 
the subject, I try (hope?) to revise the page to make more sense to me, and 
hopefully, more sense to others.  (See the WikiLearn page [[About These 

_Aside: The intended official name is WikiLearn, the domain will be 
wikilearn.org, but the webname on twiki.org is Wikilearn because wikiwords as 
web names create some problems, which I don't recall &mdash; but, if I was 
true to the spirit of WikiLearn, if I'd search WikiLearn, I'd find a page to 
refresh my memory._

_Aside: As I stated, WikiLearn is in some sense an alternative to the LDP's 
HOWTOs, and is not intended to be my private or personal project.  Although 
WikiLearn gets some participation from others (see [[Web Statistics]]), I 
welcome additional participation in any form._

---++ Closing

I won't call this the conclusion, for a variety of reasons, but I do want to 
stop writing for now (partially because I have to leave now), so I'm rushing 
a little.

I'm actually going to create two pages on WikiLearn to contain this content: 

   * http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Wikilearn/TWikiAdvocacyForTheLdpRaw (which 
I might write protect, so that anyone can see exactly how this content looked 
when simply pasted to TWiki)

   * http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Wikilearn/TWikiAdvocacyForTheLdpRaw (in 
fully editable form, so that, if anyone wants, we can continue this 

Randy Kramer

---++ PS: Write Protection

PS: The following will make the raw web page "write protected" (well, 
actually, I may need to have someone test this &mdash; I don't use it often 
and I may need to add something like a "deny all" line before the allow 

   * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = Main.RandyKramer, Main.TWikiAdminGroup 
   * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.RandyKramer, Main.TWikiAdminGroup 

Note that this is not necessarily the most foolproof security in the world. 

And, I can hide this entire note on the TWiki page by enclosing it in HTML 
comment tags (as I've shown here (with HTML entities, but since they are 
entities, they will not take effect).

---++ PPS: WebForm

When you see this on the web page, you'll see a very simple version of a web 
form (only one field) below and to the left.  When I edit the page, I can 
select from a number of possible entries ("Scribbles", "Collecting Notes", 
etc.) from a drop down menu.  (The possible entries are set up when the form 
is created, a somewhat cumbersome process (probably because I've only done it 

Oops, and finally, just to show that *bold face is easy to markup.*

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