discuss: Some suggestions...

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Subject: Some suggestions...
From: Evgueni Tzvetanov ####@####.####
Date: 2 Mar 2003 14:11:45 -0000
Message-Id: <3E621128.6030500@comcast.net>

Hi Greg,

Your document has a very good idea and you started it in nice order. 
However I would suggest some examples in the sections. Otherwise it 
would look only as a general reference.

For example I have a home network with 2 Linux servers, 2 Windows 
workstations and a notebook, hooked on and off from time to time. I have 
set a network printer (Lexmark 3200 - old, but working), hooked on one 
of the Windows workstations and shared to all computers in the network. 
Here I may include steps to do that, if needed, just to support my 
explanation with an example.

Other example is one of the Linux server is also a router, routing 
traffic to the home network to/from Internet (through cable modem) 
through a 5 port hub and with iptables firewall. Also could explain 
extensively. The latter also works as a Samba server for the whole 
network, because it has an outrageous capacity HDD and it should not be 
staying unused :) The other one is a database server with Oracle9i 
(which I wrote a document on setting up -- see Oracle 9i on RH8 document).

If you would like, I can provide you with examples, which you can review 
and include in your document, if of course it is no hassle :)

This could go very far into a large even very large HOWTO, because there 
are so many things to have in mind, but it could be built gradually and 
have corresponding versions.


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Next by date: 2 Mar 2003 14:11:45 -0000 Re: how do i do a bibliography or references section in docbook sgml, Chris Karakas
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