discuss: USB Digital Camera HOWTO

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Subject: Re: USB Digital Camera HOWTO
From: David Lawyer ####@####.####
Date: 5 Sep 2002 17:28:02 -0000
Message-Id: <20020905102233.C253@lafn.org>

> > On Tuesday 03 September 2002 20:55, Dave Kelly wrote:
> > > Since the HOWTO on USB Digital Cameras was put online several
> > > months ago, I have received about a dozen e-mails. Some asking for
> > > help but most telling me how they made their USB camera work.
> > >
> > > Is there some mechanisms for handling this type of stuff?  I
> > > really don't think all of it is appropriate for the type of
> > > solution I put forth in the HOWTO.
> > >
> > > Maybe some place I could forward the messages to and let people
> > > read them and sort out what they need.

It's best to modify the HOWTO based on the most significant aspects of
the emails.  Situations that are seldom encountered shouldn't go into
the HOWTO (unless it's a case where the problem can't be solved without
specific information).  If these emails were posted to a newsgroup, then
search engines could find them.  If you had your own website, then you
could put them there.

Could our host, ibiblio, supply people with free websites?  People would
need to agree to only use the site for support of their LDP docs and
someone would need to enforce this by periodically visiting the sites.
What would be the penalty for violations?  If there's no penalty, some
people would misuse these free sites.  So I'm not very enthusiastic
about my idea.

> On Wed, 2002-09-04 at 06:38, David Merrill wrote:
> > You might list them in an appendix if they don't fit into the document 
> > cleanly. Just a suggestion.
On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 09:15:39AM -0700, Tabatha Persad wrote:
> Another way, depending on what you have received from other people,
> would be a QA set.  It could easily be an appendix, or you could simply
> add a section for FAQ or "Common Issues" if that works better.  Since
> sections number themselves, they're fairly easy to slip in wherever you
> feel they are best suited in the overall doc.
> The reason you may want to consider adding this to your document is so
> that people who have contributed these answers know that all they need
> to do is read your HOWTO to find any of the latest info.
> Since I remember working on this document, I'd be glad to help out if
> needed!
			David Lawyer

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