discuss: Re: is the linuxdoc DTD deprecated for LDP?

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Previous in thread: 5 Aug 2002 14:19:00 -0000 Re: is the linuxdoc DTD deprecated for LDP?, Tabatha Persad
Next in thread: 5 Aug 2002 14:19:00 -0000 Re: is the linuxdoc DTD deprecated for LDP?, Nicolas Chauvat

Subject: Re: is the linuxdoc DTD deprecated for LDP?
From: David Merrill ####@####.####
Date: 5 Aug 2002 14:19:00 -0000
Message-Id: <200208051018.27360.david@lupercalia.net>

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 05 August 2002 04:27, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> hi alexander and all,
> if i understand this correctly, we have a problem.
> the last thing i wanted was to stir up controversy.  but by the same
> token, i feel pretty awful that someone took the time to translate 15
> pages of docbook and it's beginning to look like his effort will be
> useless.
> the translator doesn't even know docbook -- he just translates the
> "stuff" that goes between the tags.  asking him to learn both docbook
> and linuxdoc in order to translate both the words and the markup is
> just too much to ask.  i would be embarrased to even ask that of him.
> it's also not fair to german speaking people who'd rather learn about
> debian jigdo in their own language.
> i'm a nobody here -- just a writer who has a guide, howto and a
> mini-howto under his belt.   can someone with clout plead the case that
> the standards for tldp should be ...  standard?
> or is there someway of short circuiting marco and submitting the german
> document directly to tldp?

Short answer: yes. We'll publish documents in any language.

The "translation" projects have historically been very separate from the 
LDP, and we haven't always had a lot of contact with them.

We're trying to change this. When we moved to tldp.org, we began making 
the internal changes we need to begin merging with translation projects 
and becoming a truly international TLDP, with all of the formerly 
separate projects working as equal partners. We have invited all the 
international projects to join with us, and several have already begun 
the process. We have technical issues to deal with, which I'm tackling in 

- -- 
David C. Merrill                         http://www.lupercalia.net
Linux Documentation Project                   ####@####.####
Lead Developer                                 http://www.tldp.org

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Previous by date: 5 Aug 2002 14:19:00 -0000 Re: is the linuxdoc DTD deprecated for LDP?, Tabatha Persad
Next by date: 5 Aug 2002 14:19:00 -0000 Re: is the linuxdoc DTD deprecated for LDP?, Nicolas Chauvat
Previous in thread: 5 Aug 2002 14:19:00 -0000 Re: is the linuxdoc DTD deprecated for LDP?, Tabatha Persad
Next in thread: 5 Aug 2002 14:19:00 -0000 Re: is the linuxdoc DTD deprecated for LDP?, Nicolas Chauvat

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