wiki: Thread: Re: [doc-book-users] Linux Documentation Project

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Subject: Re: [doc-book-users] Linux Documentation Project
From: jdd ####@####.####
Date: 21 Aug 2008 19:03:27 +0100
Message-Id: <>

Dashamir Hoxha a écrit :
> Hi jdd,
> About difficulties of installing and configuring, they are relative.
> For example for me it is easy, for other people it can be more
> difficult.

this is not a real problem. I'm very glad to see you are responsive on 
this list (I already read your mails in the archives). The LDP is 
highly referenced and so we have a great work fighting the spam. our 
test (moinmoin) wiki was horribly spammed, even before being really 
online! new pages where created with lot of advertisement, and robots 
could even register to do so, horrible!

We could

> If you want a wiki where everybody can write and contribute
> something, then maybe this is not the right one. The reason is
> that it has a hierarchical structure of editors and permissions.
> There is a superuser who is able to register other users (editors).
> He can also assign administrators for each book. Then each book
> administrator can give permissions to other users (editors) to
> modify the whole book or branches of it.

this is not a problem. one of our coworker is evaluation docbookwiki 
on his own server. Moinmoin may be more fitted for large audience, we 
will see if we can use docbookwiki internally or elsewhere.

  (DocBookWiki supports just a small
> subset of DocBook tags)

I' not myself very clever about docbook :-(

> Performance issues must also be considered, since
> DocBookWiki (and DocBookEasy) have somehow high
> requirements of disk space. However disk size is not a problem
> nowadays.

we have a new server, plenty of power and room :-)

> In case that you decide to give it a try, I would be happy to
> help you.

thank you, I'll pass this offer along :-))

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