docbook: Month Index

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Month Year Messages
April 2004 [2] [by Thread] [by Date]
March 2004 [40] [by Thread] [by Date]
February 2004 [4] [by Thread] [by Date]
January 2004 [6] [by Thread] [by Date]
December 2003 [32] [by Thread] [by Date]
November 2003 [56] [by Thread] [by Date]
October 2003 [39] [by Thread] [by Date]
September 2003 [3] [by Thread] [by Date]
August 2003 [12] [by Thread] [by Date]
July 2003 [63] [by Thread] [by Date]
June 2003 [35] [by Thread] [by Date]
May 2003 [9] [by Thread] [by Date]
April 2003 [13] [by Thread] [by Date]
March 2003 [2] [by Thread] [by Date]
February 2003 [3] [by Thread] [by Date]
January 2003 [33] [by Thread] [by Date]
December 2002 [12] [by Thread] [by Date]
November 2002 [26] [by Thread] [by Date]
October 2002 [10] [by Thread] [by Date]
September 2002 [8] [by Thread] [by Date]
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